Building Partnerships to Promote Early Childhood Development
Comprehensive Policy on Early Childhood Care and Development 2013

The Comprehensive Policy for Early Childhood Care and Development, applicable to all Bangladesh children from conception to age eight, was approved in 2013 by Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The aim of this policy is to nurture and raise all children with care, security, dignity, affection and love and to establish a strong foundation for their development, irrespective of ethnicity, geographical location, gender, religion, special needs and socio-economic conditions.

Ministry of Women and Children Affairs is the leading ministry for the implementation and execution of the Comprehensive Policy for Early Childhood Care and Development. It took the lead to frame a coordinated policy with the objective of creating a common understanding and expectations among the organizations involved in Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) activities and to further facilitate collaboration, cooperation and coordination among all stakeholders.